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The Mission of Three Rivers Community Schools is to educate, motivate and inspire all students

to reach their full potential, to become successful adults, and to pursue their dreams.

Three Rivers Community Schools will provide all basic supplies needed by your student for a class. If you choose to purchase your own supplies to help conserve limited resources or to supplement what is provided by the District, please see the list of suggested items below.

High School Supplies

The Basics

No 2 Pencils
Colored pencils
Pencil sharpener
Ballpoint pens
Spiral-bound or composition notebooks (6)

Study Aids

Index cards

Organizational Helpers

Pencil case or pouch
2 three ring binders
6 two-pocket folders
Personal organizer/calendar
Back Pack

Extra things to Consider

Locker organizer
Hand Sanitzer for locker


Middle School Supplies

The Basics

No 2 Pencils
Ballpoint pens
Lined Paper or Spiral-bound or composition notebooks (6)

Other Optional Items

Pencil Sharpener
Post-it Notes
Trapper Keeper or 3 Ring Binder
Back Pack
Colored Pencils


Elementary Supplies

Teachers will send home recommended school supplies lists for their classrooms.  We suggest that at minimum, students start school with a supply of pencils.


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Google Maps851 Sixth Ave Three Rivers, MI 49093 Phone: (269) 279-1100       Fax: (269) 279-5584