PowerSchool, the student information system used by Three Rivers Community Schools, can be accessed from the preceding link. Please see the information below with regard to setting up your account if you are a first-time user. If you are setting up the PowerSchool Mobile App, please use the following code for Three Rivers Schools:
New Students/Parents
To access assignment details, grades, and other school-related information, please follow the provided directions on how to create your new account in PowerSchool. You will need your Parent Access ID and your Parent Access Password for each student account you wish to monitor. If you have never set up an account you can call your guidance office and ask the secretary for your information. Note: Your user name and/or password can not contain special characters like ~@#$%^&*(), or a Space.
Parents with a current account
If you want to add another student, please see Page 2 of the directions linked above, or watch the video below for instructions.
Click on the PowerSchool link above to log into PowerSchool. You will enter the Username and your Password provided by your school.
Log into PowerSchool by clicking the PowerSchool link above. To set up automatic email reports regarding your students’ attendance and grades, please refer to this account guide.
***If your computer asks you to save your username and password, say NO. If you say yes you may lock yourself out of your account***
The video below explains how to change your parent login information and how to add a student to your account.
PowerSchool has mobile access for smart devices like iPhones, iPads, Android phones, and Android tablets. Search your device’s app store for the mobile app. You can also open a browser on your device and enter https://trschools.powerschool.com. This will take you to the mobile login. Use the same username and password that you use on a regular computer.
Updating Student Information Sheet Online
Comment Codes
When viewing your child’s grades, you may see “comment codes” toward the end of every marking period. Below are rubrics to understand what those codes mean.