General Information
Schools: Andrews, Barrows, Hoppin, Norton, Park, Middle School, High School
Private Schools: Howardsville Christian, Immaculate Conception
Contact Information
58420 Haines Road Three Rivers, MI 49093 Phone: (269) 279-1148 Fax: (269) 273-2381Statistics
Number of Buses: | 27 |
Miles Per Year | 231,819 |
Student Per Day | 1,600 |
Drivers: | 22 |
Mechanics: | 1 |
Bus Expectations
Be Respectful:
- Observe the same behavior as in the classroom.
- Voices are at a level 1; level 0 when the lights are on.
- Follow the directions of the bus driver and/or bus aide.
- Be courteous; no swearing or rude gestures.
Be Responsible:
- Do not eat, chew gum or drink on the bus.
- Tobacco products are not allowed on the bus.
- Do not be destructive; protect other students’ property and touch only what belongs to you.
- Keep the bus clean; put all paper in the waste basket.
Be Safe:
- Stay seated on your bottom facing forward, and keep the aisle clear.
- Keep all parts of your body inside the bus.
- Do not throw anything out the window.
- The bus driver is authorized to assign seats.
Severe Clause
Any severe disruption on the bus such as fighting, gross disrespect to the driver, weapons, drugs, etc., will result in:
- 1st Severe Clause – Bus privilege denied for three (3) days
- 2nd or more Severe Clauses – Bus privilege denied a minimum of ten (10) days with possible removal of bus privileges indefinitely.