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March 23, 2020


Three Rivers Community Schools
Office of Superintendent



March 23, 2020

Dear TRCS Families & Community,

Governor Whitmer issued the Stay Home, Stay Safe executive order this morning. This executive order goes into effect starting at 12:01 am Tuesday, March 24th and will last until April 13th, 2020. Governor Whitmer also extended the time we are to be out of school until April 13th, 2020.

We will continue to distribute breakfast and lunches to our students. The following is an updated plan for handing out the grab-n-go meals:

  • From this point moving forward we have consolidated our student Grab-n-Go meals bag pick-up to one site – Three Rivers High School. This change is due to the challenge we, and all school districts are facing in getting suppliers to deliver food on a consistent basis.
  • Meal service at the high school is walk up only. Please use door # 30 by the cafeteria/PAC. Paw Packs and Practice Packs will be located in a school van outside of the high school café/PAC door # 30. We ask that people be conscious of social distancing when waiting for meals and packs
  • Wed. March 25th – we will be handing out (3) days’ worth of Grab-n-Go bags from 10 – 12 noon. We will publish next week’s pick-up dates by this Friday, March 27th.

In compliance with the Governor’s order, all TRCS buildings will be closed to the public for all other purposes. Having said that, we are here for you. If you are in need of assistance, please feel free to email our staff. This is the most effective way for us to communicate during this time. Primary contact information for each of our buildings have been on our district webpage under the COVID-19 link.

Please stay home and only travel if it is truly necessary. Take this time to make sure you are taking care of your family, and yourselves. Call, text, FaceTime, and use Google hangout with your extended families to make sure they are doing okay. I believe it is in times like these that we get a chance to hit the “pause” button and reflect on the important things in our lives, like our families!

During the time we have been ordered to stay home, continue to read with your student(s) and take advantage of the educational resources we have posted on our district webpage under the COVID-19 link.

We know that the information regarding the COVID-19 virus changes frequently, sometimes by the minute. We all can do our part in slowing the spread of this virus down by limiting our face-to-face   interactions (social distancing), and follow the general health guidelines for combating the spread of COVID-19 published by our St. Joseph County Health department.

Please go to our district website ( for updated information and resources regarding our school closure.

Thank you again for your continued support and patience as we navigate through this difficult time.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at; or call (269) 279-1100.



Ron Moag –Superintendent


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